Sunday, November 30, 2014

Meerkat Magic Moments Wild meerkats from Ungulungu group autogroom and a...

Meerkat Magic Moments Wild meerkats from Ungulungu group allogroom and autogroom and the data collection method is illustrated for wildlife observational research.

For Grant's international scientific meerkat publications links:


The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project's MEERKAT MAGIC MOMENTS are Wildlife Films from Grant M. Mc Ilrath - A.K.A - The Meerkat Man a professionally qualified Nature Conservation Biologist and internationally published wildlife researcher and Director and owner of The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project and The Meerkat Magic Valley Reserve - involved with numerous meerkat / suricate films with the BBC; National Geographic; Discovery Channel and more since 1993 and ongoing (over 20 years of fieldwork with two subspecies of the 3 recognised). Bringing you the REAL wildlife film - no post editing or pre-determined scripting or set ups when filming wildlife here - an unedited wildlife documentary behind the scenes and science. No tame, or fed, captured, marked, radio collared, handled animals here - only Wild and Free reserve protected species.

Adopt a Wild meerkat and help support conservation - signed supporter certificate, meerkat poster and meerkat conservation information delivered globally from Britain:

Your anonymous vote can help spread an awareness about the meerkat / suricate pet trade and aid Conservation Through Education – please vote here:

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Meerkat Magic Riverine 16b solifuge camel spider invertebrate meerkat food

The solifuge; haarkapper; baardskeurder; camel spider is an invertebrate and is also part of the wild meerkat / suricate diet.

These fascinating rapid runners of the invertebrate world have an almost mythical reputation around the world - many believe these spider like creatures can run faster then a hummer car! Others believe this hairy beast can eat a person!

Adopt a Wild meerkat and help support conservation - signed supporter certificate, meerkat poster and meerkat conservation information delivered globally from Britain:

For Grant's scientific publications with links to them visit here:


The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project's MEERKAT MAGIC MOMENTS are unedited Wildlife Films from Grant M. Mc Ilrath - A.K.A - The Meerkat Man a professionally qualified Nature Conservation Biologist and internationally published wildlife researcher and Director and owner of The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project and The Meerkat Magic Valley Reserve - involved with numerous meerkat / suricate films with the BBC; National Geographic; Discovery Channel and more since 1993 and ongoing (over 20 years of fieldwork with two subspecies of the 3 recognised). Bringing you the REAL wildlife film - no post editing or pre-determined scripting or set ups when filming wildlife here - an unedited wildlife documentary behind the scenes and science. No tame, or fed, captured, marked, radio collared, handled animals here - only Wild and Free reserve protected species.

Your anonymous vote can help spread an awareness about the meerkat / suricate pet trade and aid Conservation Through Education – please vote here:


The Ungulungu wild and free meerkats encounter and mob a puff adder snake (Bitis arietans). International visitors to The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project experience this unedited wildlife documentary live as it happens with the snake and get within a metre of wild and free meerkats and the snake to learn about snake conservation with Conservation Through Education in action.

Adopt a Wild meerkat and help support conservation - signed supporter certificate, meerkat poster and meerkat conservation information delivered globally from Britain:

For Grant's scientific publications with links to them visit here:


The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project's MEERKAT MAGIC MOMENTS are unedited Wildlife Films from Grant M. Mc Ilrath - A.K.A - The Meerkat Man a professionally qualified Nature Conservation Biologist and internationally published wildlife researcher and Director and owner of The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project and The Meerkat Magic Valley Reserve - involved with numerous meerkat / suricate films with the BBC; National Geographic; Discovery Channel and more since 1993 and ongoing (over 20 years of fieldwork with two subspecies of the 3 recognised). Bringing you the REAL wildlife film - no post editing or pre-determined scripting or set ups when filming wildlife here - an unedited wildlife documentary behind the scenes and science. No tame, or fed, captured, marked, radio collared, handled animals here - only Wild and Free reserve protected species.

Your anonymous vote can help spread an awareness about the meerkat / suricate pet trade and aid Conservation Through Education – please vote here: