Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project



Now you can Watch Wild meerkats / suricates in Oudtshoorn, Western Cape, South Africa and Walk With Wildlife on a morning Sunrise Tour. Have you watched any meerkat films?

Now you can see the wild meerkat at The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project and experience their Meerkat Magic on your unedited documentary like Tour, you can be taken behind the scenes and science.

Grant M. Mc Ilrath - A.K.A - The Meerkat Man is your Nature Conservationist and Research Biologist guide, who has been researching Wild meerkats in the wilderness since 1993 (and ongoing) and has helped with the making of numerous international meerkat films including those with the BBC, National Geographic, Discovery Channel amongst others.

Formerly working with Cambridge University in Britain and the University of Pretoria in South Africa for over 7 years, with numerous international Scientific Publications to his credit, he now offers the public his unique insights into the lives of wild meerkats.

In 1997 Grant began planning a Conservation Project that would be open to the international public to visit Wild meerkats and other wildlife, with open source research and applied conservation and education as major objectives, and in 2004 this officially was made available for the public to experience.

The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project is mainly funded by Observe and Conserve Eco- Tourism and Agri-Tourism which is sustainable and practices alternative land usage. Conservation Through Education and Habitat Conservation are primary goals.

None of the study animals are ever fed, captured, experimented with, or handled in any way, and no intrusive research methodology or techniques are applied. Study animals are tolerant of observers but they are not tame, and specific guidelines must be observed in order not to disturb them on any visit.

Visiting guests help The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project with:
• conserving habitat for animals and plants
• generating funds for local, previously disadvantaged communities, who are given skills training and employment
• subsidising previous farming practices so that areas are no longer farmed on intensively
• sponsoring school presentations and other charity work

Very advanced bookings are essential. Bookings are made on a first booked first reserved basis as there are a very limited number of openings on any given Tour day.

SMS and E-mail bookings are preferred when possible.
E-mail: gmmcilrath@mweb.co.za

I have added some interesting meerkat related links which you may find interesting:


MAIN WEB SITE FOR: The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project on The Wild Web Site - Your Wildlife Friendly Information Portal

Grant M. Mc Ilrath - A.K.A - The Meerkat Man on Meerkat Magic Moments - Uncut - Wild and Free meerkat / suricate videos to watch for free!

MEERKAT MAGIC MOMENTS - UNCUT - Watch nature uncut - like I do! The true behind the scenes and science video from a professional research biologist and conservationist studying Wild and Free meerkats full time in the wild since 1993!
Join the Wild and Free meerkat / suricate conservation cause with The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project

The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project Cause - Global Conservation Through Education with Charity Presentations and Wild and Free meerkat / suricate Habitat Conservation as primary goals - to join this cause and show your support for the plight of the Wild and Free meerkat.

Best wishes

Grant M. Mc Ilrath - A.K.A - The Meerkat Man
The Meerkat Magic Conservation Project
The Meerkat Magic Valley Reserve